Hey! Do you Got a Minute?!
No, really Friend, do you have a minute? Now that I got you to click this link, do you have a minute to actually read it? Not just skim it but read it. If I’m honest sometimes even with the things I volunteer to receive, I don’t take the time to actually concentrate and give them my full focus. I am not sure why that is, why I am so distracted.
But I’ll let you in on a little secret, there is one huge benefit to serving and sharing the way I do. It is the added incentive to look for something to share. Like sharing “Moments” for instance, in sharing these stories with you it is the added push to look for a Moment to show up. But like you my life gets busy, and with all the things to do, it seems a week can go by, and I can’t think of anything spectacular to talk about. Add to that that I am a total procrastinator, and sometimes you have a Last Minute me trying to come up with something to write about. This story was one of those times. I was staring at my screen, trying to remember a Moment where God had shown up in a meanignful way for me that I could share with you…
Then God spoke….
Sometimes you have to “Create a Moment”
I’m sure you want to experience these kinds of moments in your life as much as I do. Ok, I’m assuming… You do, right? Well sometimes we have to give God something to work with. When God made Adam, He had something to work with, the clay. When God made Eve, He had something to work with, Adam’s rib (Genesis 2:7, 21-22). In order for God to show himself in the moment, sometimes we need to give Him a moment. James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God and he will draw Near to You….”
God is at work all around us, always moving, always speaking always active sometimes we need to just slow down and give Him a moment. Why don’t you give God a Moment of your time and say good morning! (After all, He gave you every moment of your time anyway!)