Moments 4-week Daily Digital Devotional

Access to a Daily Scriptural Blog Post (Devotional) To Inspire and Equip You to see God At Work and Speaking in the Every Day of Your Life.

What’s Included:

A Scripture Passage

Right on the page so that you don’t have to go find your Bible externally(unless you want to do that as well)

A Story

“Moments” Style from Pastor Willie that Brings the passage to a modern life Application


To Help You Personalize it, with a “Point to Ponder”, a Prayer, a Verse to Memorize or Meditate on and a Personal Application for the day.


Interact with others from the “Outa the Box Ministry Family” in the Comment section as you expound on the Content together!

All Delivered to you Daily Monday -Friday

Everyone wants to know how to pray in such a way that God answers your prayers.  But what if we got the process wrong? 

What if it’s not how we pray or what we pray that has the biggest impact on whether or not God answers our prayers?

Let me tell you what Jesus said in John chapter 15 “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. ….  If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.  By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.”

You see Jesus places a prerequisite on having our prayers answered.  Abiding In Him and having His Words Abide in us.

But what does it mean to Abide in Jesus, what does it mean to have His Word abide in us?

Well, here’s the thing, True Christianity is exercised in the format of Discipleship. That is a daily learning process through relevant in the Moment teaching.  Yet most of our current style of Christian Education is diluted down to an Hour a week, A Sunday Sermon, with a prayer and a few songs oh, and don’t forget the announcement and the collection….

Yet there are still a few of us who know what Discipleship looks like.  Personally, I have been enamored with the concept of Digital Discipleship.  You see today we have the ability to be connected in ways we never had before.  This gives way to the possibility to Fulfill Christ’s Commission “Go and make Disciples” (Mathew 28:19) with new Methods!  Bringing a new perspective on the truth that Jesus proclaimed in John 14:12 “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”

Abiding in Jesus is learning to see Him in every little Moment of our day.  Having His Word Abide in us is being able to relate the truths of scripture to our everyday experiences. 

If You’d like to be discipled, to get daily encouragement, information, training and inspiration on how to Abide in Jesus, and Have His Words Abide in You, and by extension see more prayers answered in even more powerful ways. And See God glorified in your life.  Then This tool Is For You!

Moments 4-week Daily Digital Devotional

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