Hey Friend! Join us for an Outa the box Easter Egg Hunt! Enter for a chance to win a $20 Dunkin donuts or Starbucks Gift Card, a Signed Copy of Pastor Willie’s Book “Raising De Bar” or an Outa the Box Ministries Coffee Mug
Just watch Willie’s Weekly Messages Now until Easter and keep an eye out for the “hidden” Easter Egg. When you see it, grab a screen shot, take a pic, or jot down the Message Title and Time stamp.
Fill out the form on this page, with the subject “Egg Hunt” and the message being the Message title and the the time stamp where the egg was found and you are entered to win!
Don’t forget to Post your screenshot/pic to Social Media and Tag OutatheBox! You can also text it to 973-358-7194
Or email it to Me: Willie@outathebox.org