There was a time when your faith was new and exciting. Your Prayer life was vibrant, you loved reading the Bible and attending church.  Over time your faith has not dwindled, but that original flame just doesn’t burn as brightly.  You miss feeling the presence of Jesus on a regular basis.  At times your faith seems dry.  Other Christians even pastors and speakers will tell you this is just what happens.    

But you know it deep down inside, that it shouldn’t be that way, that it doesn’t have to be this way.  This is not how it was for the early believers the ones who changed the world who experienced miracles who heard from God clearly and did great things. 

Well, you know what?  You’re right. 

Here is the thing, you can join the ranks of the “mature and miserable” Christians.  You can trade in your love for Jesus for the newest gospel of conspiracy theories, political rhetoric, or social activism, pursuing noble causes like diversity and inclusion (none of which are necessarily bad in and of themselves)

You can join the ranks of the “Mature and the Miserable” or you can Learn to Experience God the way He Desires you to.

Or you can try something else.

Jim Rohn is quoted as saying “You Are the Average of the Five People You Spend the Most Time With.”

The Writer of the book of Hebrews said Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,

If you want more energy in your faith life you need to have influences around you.  That’s not always about switching churches or trying to find a new group of friends, sometimes it is just about having the right voices to speak into your life, through books, podcasts, and other venues. 

What if you could get daily inspiration and stories of God interacting in life today, connected to the Word of God?

Well now you can!

Learn to see God at work in your every day life.  Hear the voice of the Holy Spirit more clearly and apply the Scriptures to your current circumstances. 

Try Digital Devotionals now for Free!

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Set up ahead of time on your personal schedule so you don’t have to remember or think about it.

It will Inspire and Equip You to see God At Work and Speaking in the every day Moments of your life!

What’s Included:

A Scripture Passage

right on the page so that you don’t have to go find your Bible externally (unless you want to do that as well)

A Story

“Moments” Style from Pastor Willie that Brings the passage to a modern life Application


To Help You Personalize it, with a “Point to Ponder”, a Prayer, a Verse to Memorize or Meditate on and a Personal Application for the day.


Interact with others from the “Outa the Box Ministry Family” in the Comment section as you expound on the Content together!

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Hi I’m Pastor Willie Vaughan. I resigned from Pastoring a traditional church, when I felt like I was living the cliche’ “Preaching to the Choir”

Don’t get me wrong I believe in the Church, and I do believe it is a tool to help Young believers grow Spiritually, it provides community and a place to Worship Corporately and learn to serve one another.

But many churches are full of people who show up weekly out of a religious duty, and to be inspired and informed about what the Bible has to say.

And Pastors in todays churches must deal with the temptations of ego and greed as like all human they have the desire to feel important, and a need to provide financially for their families.

Yet there are so many ways to answer the call of God. Upon leaving the pulpit I founded “Outa the Box Ministries” where my team and I create primarily Digital Content, Tools and Resources to help you know God, Grow Spiritually and Succeed in life.

The Bible is by far the most Transformational book ever written. And when you learn to meditate on it, apply it and live it, Your Life becomes ten abundant Adventure Jesus wants it to be (See John 10:10)

Whether on the farm caring for my animals, driving the tractor, or working with my hands, I share how I have learned to see God in the little Moments of life, how to stay connected to Jesus and abide in His Word on a daily basis.(John 15:1-11)

It is my hope through this tool, you to can learn to apply these habits that are truly life changing and soul transforming!

Did I mention it is totally Free?!

Click on the time button below to choose when you would like your Free Devotional sent to you!