Holy Affirmations

Are you Yearning to Experience the Abundant Life that’s Promised in the Bible?

Passion is the Fuel of the Soul.  You can’t “Run with Endurance the Race set before you” If you are running on empty. You don’t need another Sermon, another Bible Study, a Supplement, or Expensive Therapy. (All of these are great for maintenance of your spiritual life but don’t solve the problem you are facing now. )

Try these Holy Affirmations.

Learn and agree with what God says about You in His Word

Top off your tank and Get Fired up to live Life to your fullest God Given Potential.

How Does it Work?

These 12 verses are designed to be a part of a daily routine that involves confessing the power of the Word of God over your life and elevating your thinking to be in line with HIs.

Psalm 1:2 (Blessed is the one) whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.


Read through all the provided scriptures or just the ones that speak to you.


Someth9gn changes from when we go from Just reading to re-enforcing by confessing it out loud. The spoken Word has much more Power.

Romans 10:9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.


Receive the Power of God’s Truth through repetition. Writing it on your heart and in your subconscious mind to start living it out.

Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

Meet Willie Vaughan, Author Speaker, Entrepreneur, and Founder of Outa the Box Ministries.

I gave my heart to Christ, I experienced the Joy of salvation…. At First…

But then I fell back into the periods of depression, lack of motivation, feeling like life didn’t matter.

I struggled again and again with temptation. And I thought “There has to be more.”

The lie of Shallow Christianity is that if you just believe then everything will get better.

I became jealous of those who prospered apart from the faith until I realized that much of Success is about the Process. And the Scriptures outline the process on how to Experience Life to the fullest if we understand and apply it’s principals. These Principals are Universal Laws God Created. And If you apply them, whether you are a follower of Jesus or not you will reap the benefits.

Now don’t get me wrong, Salvation and Eternal Life come through Jesus Christ alone.

But God doesn’t want you to wait till you leave this earth to start experiencing His best.

And I am not saying that you can or will avoid all suffering in this life. I am saying God wants you to experience Success. What Loving Father doesn’t want that for His children?

If we Believe the Promises

Uncover the Principals

Practice the Disciplines

And Faithfully engage with the Processes

We will Reap the Benefits

I am currently Learning about the Power of Routine, Specifically a Morning Routine.

For me, It is sometimes hard to get motivated in the morning, I don’t naturally start the day feeling full of Purpose and focus. But I have been praying each morning a slight variation of a simple prayer, and day by day, my outlook on life, My focus my direction my passion and zeal have improved.

And I want to share these Benefits with You Friend!

Sign up and you will get a Written PDF of my Scripturally based Prayer that Opens a doorway to allow God to transform your outlook and mood, and Empowers you to get the most out of your day.

“Willie Vaughan not only has immersed himself in the scriptures but can interpret them in a way that brings meaning and motivation to others, merging the intellectual with the spiritual.” -Lisa

Proverbs 4:23 Above All Else Guard Your Heart for Everything You do Flows from it.

When you Get your mindset right, you increase your Passion and Motivation, and everything else in your life improves!

A Lack of Motivation is Stealing your Opportunities, slowly Killing Your Dreams and Destroying your Potential.

How long are you gonna stay lost in a Sea of Mediocrity, Stuck in the Rut of the Status Quo and Void of any Passion?

"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation" - Henry David Thoreau

“I have come that you might have life and Life Abundant!” - Jesus John 10:10 b

Holy Affirmations