The Lost Art of Silence

The Lost Art of Silence [e-Book]


Isaiah 40:31 says, “They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength” But what does it mean to “Wait Upon God”? In our independent culture we are all about busyness putting in our own effort and making our own success. But in the Kingdom of God there is an easier way. A way that relies on God’s strength and God’s Wisdom.

This e-booklet I’ve created gives a practical easy to apply 3-step process to hear from God and receive a strength to overcome any challenge you are facing. It will also avail you to the amazing wisdom of God to make better choices and experience greater levels of success in every area of your life.

When you learn in this book how to quiet your mouth, quiet your meetings (your interactions with others that leave you feeling confused) and quiet your mind, you will begin to experience an inner peace and strength that will set you apart from the chaos of this world and bring you to higher levels of a life of peace, joy, and resilience.

I believe this book is so needed by so many right now, that I am pricing it for just $4 so that no one has any excuse not to benefit from it.

Get this book today and start experiencing the spiritual strength God Wants you to enjoy!

“I used this book as part of my devotions every day. Read one chapter a day. Loved the way it was put together with all the themes. Also loved all the scripture that were included and the questions for reflection.” - Terri G