Header: Very few words to let peopel know what we offer.
Biblically Based Personal Development: Teaching and Tools To Give You Confident Progress towards the Life You are yearning For.
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Romans 12:11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.
YOur Mindset, your Bleiefs, are the fuel for yoru soul. When we were children all summer long we got up early excited abotu the days’ adventures. Over time most of us lost that. But the Most successful peoepl still have that passion.
Trying to change your life or make improvenments without passion and a Helahty Mindset is like trying to go on a long trip with your gas guage on E.
This Dynamic Journal Combines a Special Prayer, along with Scriputarl Affirmatiosn abotu who God says you are. and teh practice of Gratitiude to hlep you get back yoru Zeal and Spritual Fervor so that you can beign the jounrye to the life you dream of.
Mornign Mindset Prayer JOurnal
The Stakes: What we are saving customers from, what problem are we solving? What pain point are we healing?
A Lack of Motivation is Staeling your Opportunites, slolwy Killing Yoru DReams and Destroying yoru Potential.
How long are you gonna stay lost in a sea of Mediocrity, Stuck in teh Rut of the Status Quo abd Void of any passion?
"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation" - Henry David Thoreau
“I have come that you might have life and Life Abundant!” - Jesus John 10:10 b
The Human heart is designed to yearn for greatness, Yet often life, culture or our surroundings have taugght us to quench that fire. Yet you still feel it a yearning for more for greater. YOu just don’t know how to get it.
YOu can keep doing what you have always done, what everyone else aroudn you seems to be doinng (Tehy seem contnet but they are probably not, if they were they wouldnt try to dissuade you so fierlcly to give up on the dream burnign wihting you. If you climb out of the rut you are both in, thye will be even more lonley and wiohtu excuse to join you on the grand advetnure beyond teh shadows of doubt.)
Or you can embrace our 3 step Step Strategy Rooted in Bbilical Truth and Scriptural Wisdom to sart livign the lIfe you were Designed to Live, teh Life God Desires you to live.
With Faith, Focus and Force
The Value Proposiotion
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REstore a sense of Joy and excitemetn for life
Attract teh rigth peoepl - be teh kind of Person other amazing Peopel Love-
Increase YOur Energy! Energy is aout more thatn just diet sleep and exercise. It is the healhty mindset that allows you to sleep at night wake up rether than hitting the snooze button and the motivation to eat rigth and move your body instead of sitting on teh counch binge watching Netflix with a bag of chips.
Expand your Clarity and Creativity- An Optimistic attitude fostered by GRatitued enables yoru brain to look for solutions and see and create answers to the challenges you face rather than accepting defeat.
The Guide: Introduce Willie Vaughan as the person who can solve the problem.
The Plan: The path a customer must take to do business.? (Buy our product?)
The Explanatory Praragraph. : Long form Brand Script inviting customer into story and improving SEO
reiterating the webdsite in a dynamic form
Price points and divisions or pieces of the framework.
First run, order 10 copies of 7 day journal. Introduce it as a Basic Beta Version.
For a limitied time and low price point.
NO guarantee how long it will last.
When supplies sell out. advertise Currently out of stock but invite again for a limited time to go on wait listt for teh next shipment. When it comes in teh price will go up Tentativly 10%)
then can add digital versions expanded versions ( never offer maore than 2 versions at a time, can offer upsells. further down teh click funnel line.)
Junk Drawer: Everything else
GEt teh app.
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