Willie Vaughan Willie Vaughan



Goal: $5,000 profit after expenses 100-200 guests


Venue: Beemerville Firehouse

Date: Friday Evening November 8, 6-9 PM (Doors open at 5:30)

Caterer: Clove Brook Market

Worship: Hannah Falliace, Salt & Light Community Church

Need to Adress Immediately:

Name of Event. “Harvest Workers Fall Fellowship”?

Iron out Details on Ticket Pricing and sponsorship Tiers

Regualry Priced; $75

Sponsorship Tier 1 :$100

info in program

Sponsorship tier 2: $125

Info in Program

+ Info at table

Sponsorship Tier 3: $150

Info in Program

Info at table

infor on screen durring event

Thanks and acknowledgment from Stage at event

acknowledgement of partial sponsorship on Social marketing materials and social media posts.

Need to REsearch/decide fro next stage:


Linens and place settings

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Willie Vaughan Willie Vaughan

Effective Web Pages

KPI: 200 email subscribers!

Vanity Metrics: 211 Followers on Instagram

607 Followers on TikTok

367 followers on Facebook

103 followers on Snapchat

We are Online Entrepreneurs. Outa the Box Ministries is a Biblically Based Personal Development Company

Helping YOU Live Authentically Unshackled!”

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world but be Transformed by the renewing of your mind, then you will know what the Will of God is, His Good Pleasing and Perfect Will.

We help Passionate people who feel lost in obscurity and mediocrity Find and Pursue their God given calling in order to experience fulfillment and make a positive impact on their world.

We do this by creating primarily Digital Content, Tools and Resources to help people know God, Grow Spiritually, and Succeed in Life.

Home Page Needs to communicate: Who are we?

Who do We Help?

What Do We Do?

What is the CTA(Call to Action, i.e. sing up, get free lead magnet etc.)?

Reverse Engineer successful entrepreneurs ****

Ephesians 5:16 Make the best use of yoru time, becaseu the days are evil.

Psalm 90:12 Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Deadlines: Home Page Polished up by March 9.

Artwork for Podcast by March 9.

About page by March 16

Podcast Page by March 23

Speaking page by March 30

Home Pages

Landing pages

March Meeting Agenda: Lead magnets

Digital Course



Leave Comments, Questions Concerns Below.

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Willie Vaughan Willie Vaughan

What do we do?

4 Ongoing Activities

1. Always Be Generating Leads (lead magnets and Free Offers)

2. Always be making Offers. (Sales)

3. Always be Nurturing Community. (Weekly Content)

4. Always Be Improving.

Content to Nurture Community, Increase Discoverability and drive Traffic to website…

Social Media Posts

Weekly Video message/Podcast


Mobile App

Product Suite (Sellable Tools and Resources)

E-books (The Lost Art of Silence & Raising De Bar)

Print Books (Raising De Bar)

Other Print Books (ie. Devotionals books, Prayer Journals, Gratitude Journals)

Digital Devotionals

Digital Course (the Becoming Digital Course)

Paid Community

Goal to have 300 members in a digital community by end of year with a monthly subscription of $25 for membership.




Guest Preaching

Key note speaking at Conferences ect.

Weekly Tasks (ie. Improve Website Homepage)

Monthly Initiatives (ie. Launch Podcast or Create Digital Course)

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Willie Vaughan Willie Vaughan


What is “Outa the Box Ministries”?

Outa the Box Ministries is a Biblically Based Personal Development Company that makes Primarily Digital Content Tools and Resources to help people Know God, Grow Spiritually and Succeed in Life.

5 reasons for Business Model over Church Model.

1.      Crating value over sentimental like-ability

2.      Seeing Greater transformation by requiring financial investment

3.      Our incentive to Improve by adding value to our products rather than relying on charitable financial support

4.      Ensuring that we are focusing on the right people by improving lives rather than entertaining and inspiring.

5.      Avoiding catering to the generous giver rather than adding value to the market.

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