Message Notes
Carpe Diem
We often look at successful people and are tempted to say yeah well if I had the opportunities
that they had I would be successful too. The problem with that argument is that it is a lie. It is
not the opportunities that we face that lead to greatness or success, it is how we handle them.
You see all of us are given opportunities, and either we don’t recognize the opportunities in front
of us or we look back on the opportunities we missed and kick ourselves. Hi, I’m Pastor Willie
Vaughan with Outa the Box ministries and if you wan t to be able to recognize opportunities
when they, come and learn how to make the most of them in the moment rather than looking
back on them with regret, then I invite you to join me today as together we unlock Biblical
Wisdom for Life with a message titled “Carpe Diem” or Seize the Day!