Mindset prayer Journal

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Morning Mindset Prayer (Pray this out loud as you start your day)

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for another day.

Help me to rejoice and be glad in it knowing that this day was written and ordained for me by you.

Let me walk in step with you in this present moment, forsaking the regrets of yesterday and letting go of tomorrow’s worries.

Grant me the grace to approach today with the awe of a first day and the urgency of a last.

Guide me to be intentional in my actions, recognizing the divine opportunities you present, while remaining diligent and productive.

May all I do be for you, understanding that my provision comes from you and you alone.

Guard my heart from the temptations and snares of the enemy that would rob me of your best for my life.

May my words, thoughts, and attitude be pleasing to you and reflect your humility, love, and purity.

Fill me with genuine love for everyone I meet, seeing them as your image-bearers and as someone I’m called to be a blessing to.

Let me embrace challenges I face today as your training for a greater tomorrow.

May I live this day with passion, aware that I could be called to you at any moment, but also with wisdom by recognizing my purpose on this earth may last for decades.


Today’s Affirmation:

Scripture: Psalm 84:5 Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.


Set your heart on Pilgrimage. Life is a journey, and all your past is lessons to make you stronger and wiser. The future is not yet determined so make the most of each moment today.

Read this verse out loud and say this affirmation:

“My heart is set on Pilgrimage; I am on a journey to become my best and most authentic self in Christ. I confess my past sins, mistakes and failures. Accept my current condition today - loving who I am in this moment, and I look forward to all that God will do in me and through me as I commit to apply myself and to cooperate with the process He is working in me.”


Today I am thankful for…

1. My Existence (Psalm 139:14) I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

2. My Salvation (Luke 10:20) (Jesus said) “Do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

3. _________________________________

4. _________________________________

5. _________________________________

Prayer focus:

Matthew 6:9-10 This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

As you pray today, pray for God’s will to be done around you. Much of what pleases God is obvious to us, and when it is not, we can ask God to reveal His will to us so that we might pray that too

Take 5 minutes to spend time with Christ in Prayer.

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