Raising De Bar Book (Print)
65 page paperback 8 1/4 “ X 5 1/2 “
65 page paperback 8 1/4 “ X 5 1/2 “
65 page paperback 8 1/4 “ X 5 1/2 “
Outa the Box Ministries
Helping You Grow Spiritually and Succeed in Every Area of Life
“Raising De Bar”
Learn the 6 Biblical Principals to continue to experience Growth and Reach greater and greater levels of success in this short 65-page paperback book.
Pastor Willie takes hidden Biblical Wisdom and makes it simple to understand without dumbing it down. Enjoyable to read even if you don’t consider yourself a “Reader”. Questions at the end of each chapter help you think through the ideas and apply them to your unique circumstances in any area of your life where you feel stuck.
Learn what an obscure passage in the Old Testament about a little-known man named Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 9:1-11) can teach you about experiencing ever increasing blessing in your life!
Arm yourself with the tools you need to continue a life of growth and fulfillment.
Only 200 copies available for this limited time offer!
Limited time only!